the phase, “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” dates back to 3rd century Greece, Shakespeare expressed a similar sentiment in Love’s Labours Lost, 1588: Beauty
is bought by judgment of the eye. It is true today, of course
Here is an amusing metaphor – what is the best sport, golf or football? Of course the question is ridiculous. However, on a recent call I heard a guy ask, “I’m confused. Are the girls in Ukraine better than the girls in Columbia?” Given the 45,000 profiles in many countries over the world that AFA offers you, perhaps the question is understandable. With so many beautiful profiles, it can be very confusing. Let’s examine this.
I think that you must consider the question from two perspectives. The first one is easy. As you browse the many profiles, what appeals to you? Perhaps you are attracted to the exotic beauty of the many ladies of Asia – China, Thailand and the Philippines. It is easy to understand. On the other hand perhaps the beautiful Latin ladies or the Profiles from Eastern Europe appeal to you. Obviously, this is a very personal choice. Take your time and make your selection based on what you see.
On the other hand there are cultural differences. A girl from Thailand is very different from a girl from Peru. You would do well to educate yourself about these differences. It is simply a matter of how they were brought up in their home country. However, if you are fortunate to find your life partner and bring her over, she will adopt to your lifestyle easily over time. Many sources are available to you in order to learn these differences. You can use YouTube, Google or purchase a travel book such as those published by Lonely Planet.
This is a very pleasant labor. Once you have made a decision, decide to travel to the country of your choice on a romance tour or an individual club tour. You will not be sorry. I wish you the best.